
nostalgic for something that just happened

One of my very favorite people, Vivian, just visited Austin for a few magical days, a large percentage of which we spent in coordinated outfits (yes, we're in our twenties.) There was the food, too. Oh, the food. New York City is a wonderful place, but the tacos leave something to be desired. 

Vivian, Joyce, and Caroline. 

Me and Vivian, Joyce and Vivian (pictures by Caroline)

Preview of an outfit post that will one day grace her super cute blog

Burrito baby. 

 Of course, there was lots of Halloween celebration happening, too!  The four of us were Pawnee Goddesses on Friday night (hello fellow Parks and Rec fans!) and Saturday, I was a cat (always a good last minute costume, right?).  Not really appreciated by actual cats, though.  Here is a picture of Pumpkin desperately trying to escape my clutches. He's voluntarily in my lap as I type this, though, so I can't be that bad, right?


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