
Megan McIsaac

We're excited to be kicking off another round of interviews in collaboration with Fuck Yeah! Women Artists by featuring photographer Megan McIsaac.  If you have suggestions for young and upcoming female artists in any type of of media we should feature, feel free to send us an email!  Check out our past interviews here.  

I became familiar with Megan McIsaac's work a few months ago and was instantly drawn the the life of her photos - you get a sense of being injected into the moment she has captured, whether it's hiking through beautiful scenery in Oregon, enjoying a cup of coffee, or watching live music.  You can see more of Megan's work on her website or follow her on Tumblr

Do you have a favorite subject or type of subject?  
you know, every time i'm asked this it takes me a while to answer. i'm not sure. i really love photographing just about anything, but it depends on my mood and my current inspirations. if anything, i really like photographing people that i can genuinely connect with and that trust me with my camera. photographing people and things, moments, that i want to remember. 

Has self-portraiture changed how you see or feel about yourself over the years? 
it's interesting when i look through my self portraiture from when i was a teenager, i always laugh because i always thought i was fat or awkward or whathaveyou and now i just think i was so ridiculous and insecure. then again, i've been making them since i was about ten years old. for the past five or so years my self portraits were more about the growing pains and suffering i was going through. i didn't have many close friends around to talk to and so i would get it out of my head by writing and making self portraits (though i guess i still do that now.) i haven't made very many over the past year or two, and i'm still trying to figure out if that means anything to me or if i simply didn't feel like it. anyway, i dont think they've necessarily changed how i see or feel about myself, theyre just a part of me and for some reason that i havent yet discovered, they're very important to me. 

Your portraits seem to capture people in their element, rather than posing for the camera.  Was that something that developed as you yourself became more comfortable taking pictures?  Do you have any tips for photographers hoping to put their subjects at ease?  
i think thats a compliment, thank you. i really don't know what it is, you should ask the people i photograph. i still feel uncomfortable taking portraits of people on occasion, but i never really say anything. i never ask, i almost always have my camera already in my hands and i just take them while we're conversing or while they're listening. when i have plans to photograph someone, i always try to make it very clear that we're just going to hang out and talk to one another and ill take pictures and somewhat direct them while that is all happening. as far as advice goes, i always try to abide by the dude and chill out. it is what it is. 

Where do you draw your inspiration? Are there any photographers, artists, or films in particular that have influenced your work?
oh my goodness, far too many. right now i'm really trying to learn more about the scientific process of making photographs and processing my film, so i'm greatly inspired by minor white and others that are masters of their trade. i'm constantly finding inspiration in both paintings and nature so i try to visit art museums and galleries frequently while also spending most of my days outdoors. on top of that, i have such an incredible web of talented and inspiring friends and family that i don't even want to begin naming names. oh and don't even get me started on music and books. 

What direction do you see yourself taking your work in the future?  Do you have any upcoming projects planned?
i always have too many projects planned, im working on trying to actually follow through with the ones that i can do right now and stop dreaming so much. i need to focus on the present. with that being said, i'm working on buying a van to live out of so i can travel freely, and to raise funds for it i'm working on printing limited edition posters as well as my first (small) book. while doing these things i'm spending more time reading about the scientific processes, which i mentioned before, and experimenting with processing my negatives and eventually making prints. i've never taken a class on photography before so i figure it's finally time to catch up and geek out over this part of it.