
future house inspiration

In August, Carly, Sara, and I are moving into this cute little house in Austin, Texas:
As sad as I am about leaving Boston, it's pretty hard to contain my excitement. I mean, c'mon, the back yard is huge, which is a pretty big deal for someone who hasn't even had a foot of grass to call her own in four years! Oh, and I'm getting my very first kitten!

All three of us are really looking forward to decorating together (they get me) and have been spending the past few months gathering art and knick knacks to make the place our own, but there are still a couple months to go before we can get inside do our thing. Until then, here are some pictures that have been catching my eye and making the wait just a little bit harder. Click on the images for their sources.


  1. I am all over that last picture. We need to have plants everywhere for the animals to snack on.

    p.s. what are your feelings about a kiddie pool in the backyard?
