
stella fangirling

I am not-so-secretly in love with Stella McCartney's designs.  It is absolutely for the best that her clothes are ridiculously out of my price range, because otherwise, I would probably obsess over tracking every single piece down. Instead, I'll just have to be content with looking at pretty pictures and daydreaming.

However, a while back, I took it a step further and started looking for Stella in my real life and matched up her Pre-Fall '11 collection with this shot I took of my cat:

So when I saw the adorable pictures of her resort party over at Mr. Newton, I decided once again to remind myself that I've been lucky enough to see some spectacular views myself!  

I'll take adventure over pretty dresses any day!  Okay, well maybe just most days.  

Stella McCartney pictures from style.com & Mr. Newton, all others are my own.  


  1. love this comparison of real life inspo + stella!

  2. I really like the comparisons you made! some day maybe you'll have a stella in your wardrobe! i think she's taken a bit of a departure this season, i like it!

  3. i love stella mcc so much i could burst some days

  4. Beautiful combination of images. Loveliness all round!

  5. I love that last image. Where was it taken?

  6. thanks so much!
    i took the last picture in hawaii.
