
lucy meyle

This interview is a part of our collaborative series with Fuck Yeah! Women Artists which highlight some of our favorite young illustrators and artists. I first came across Lucy's work during a late night Tumblr session and immediately fell in love with her  minimal and ephemeral lines and use of color. Two of Lucy's pieces are featured in our newest issue of Tilde Journal which you can purchase in our etsy shop. You can find more of her work by visiting her blog.

How long have you been painting and drawing? And what type of things (artists, films, fashion, real life) inspire you?
I never thought I could draw well, but I started my degree in 2008, so I've been drawing 'seriously' since then. Before that I was more of a collaging kid.

Constant inspirations are Bjork, Michel Gondry and Marcel Dzama. But right now I'm really inspired (obsessed) with the insides of things, or things under things- like organs in the body, certain foods, multiple selves/homunculus, cross-section drawings, shrouds, things wrapped in plastic, mesh clothing.

Do you have a narrative in mind when you create a piece? Or do you draw what comes to mind?
Usually something from real life will spark a narrative or an idea. Music is really key as well, to get into the mood of the thing.

Do you have a favorite project or piece that you've worked on?
Most of the work I've done doesn't match up with what was in my head- so there is always a sense of disappointment. I really like what i'm starting on now though, because it is full of possibility (i.e, I haven't fucked it up yet).

What direction do you see your work going in the future? And do you have any upcoming projects planned?
I'm at AUT in Auckland doing a year of post-graduate study, so that has the next 7 months or so sewn up for me. I want to do more narrative drawings/comics, even though I find them difficult.

Any advice to anyone just getting into illustration and drawing on how to develop their own personal style?
School was great for me in terms of finding a personal style, because there were critiques and interested tutors, but it isn't for everyone. Experimenting and testing until finding something that 'fit' was the thing which worked, too. I think if you're consciously trying to force a personal style it might not work out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in love. I'm rooting for the idea of seeing more comics + the hand drawn type is so dreamy.
