
GIVEAWAY + Tilde Journal ~The Summer Issue~

Guess what?

It's a time for another giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just stocked our Etsy up with some very lovely 5"x7" prints of work from our Tilde Journal contributors including Caroline Knowles, Stephanie Turmelle, Kensey Crane, Ena Kosovac, and Tricia Gilbride.Quantities of the print packs are limited, so if you'd like to be guaranteed one, hop on over to our etsy shop! They're only $10 for five prints aka a bargain! We've also bundled some up with a copy of the second issue of Tilde Journal in case you missed out on already purchasing it!

To celebrate this, we're giving away one of the bundle packs which include a copy of each of the prints and the second issue of Tilde Journal!  All you have to do to enter is comment with your email address and your favorite thing about summer time. We'll pick a winner a week from today! (April 21st)

We're now accepting submissions for the summer-themed mini issue of Tilde Journal. If you're a fan of summer and have some summery poems, photographs, recipes, drawings, stories, etc to share, send them our way! We'd love to see them.

We would also like to include a summer food & drink spread! Let us know your favorite things to cook on the grill, camping snacks, summer cocktails, etc. along with a 1-3 sentence description. If you have a recipe, we would love to include it on our website. If you're interested in doing illustrations for this spread, please email us at goawayron [at] gmail.com.

For specific submissions guidelines, visit our website here.


  1. ami_infante@hotmail.com

    my favorite thing about summer is getting to wear all of my cotton/jersey dresses and seeing my friends everyday :)

  2. i want to enter! my email is sknahas at gmail dot com and my favorite thing about summer is getting a nice tan and hanging out OUTSIDE which is basically impossible for six months of the year here.

  3. Argh I need those prints!
    One of my favourite things about summer is coming home and lying on the couch on the balcony in the sunshine, reading, and then unintentionally falling asleep :3

  4. My favourite thing about summer is the fact that it's hot and that it's my birthday! I love birthdays, but I do not love turning older.


  5. sarahjoy1208@gmail.com

    my favorite thing about summer is soaking up lots and lots of sunshine at the beach (or pool)

  6. magickyspine@yahoo.com

    My favorite thing about summer is POPSICLES.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. weis1013@gmail.com
    My favorite thing about summer is the smells! People are barbecuing, trees/ flowers are growing, and everything just smells fresh and wonderful.

  9. wildesque@gmail.com

    My favourite thing about summer is having picnics (so ~whimbsical)

  10. arithmoquine (at) gmail (dot) com

    My favourite thing about summer is all the festivals and especially the theatre that goes on.

  11. shannontroncale@gmail.com

    my favorite thing about summer is bike rides!

  12. rina.ling@gmail.com

    my favorite thing about summer: canoeing with my bffs and toking in the middle of the lake, on a bright, warm, sunny day! with some bread to feed the ducks, of course. and myself.

  13. knixnet@gmail.com

    the best part of summer is going outside to take a nap in the sunshine

  14. jenny_atthedisco@yahoo.com

    my favorite thing about summer is definitely bonfires.

  15. parke.audrey@gmail.com

    favorites: loud music, long car trips, cook-outs, and pitcher of arnold palmers

  16. PrettyinPunkboutique@live.com

    favorite thing - sitting outside on a nice sunny day with my daughter and doing yoga/swimming/playing ball together! :)

  17. joyslovakia@gmail.com


  18. My favorite thing about summer is watching mail men in shorts. Jesiwu@hotmail.com

  19. my favorite thing about summer is people seeing my armpit hair more often


  20. jiheishou@gmail.com

    The best part of summer is eating cold watermelon at the beach

  21. My favourite thing is the fact that summer miraculously lifts my mood and I can feel like a happy person again after a year of feeling awful :)

  22. finnjfinn@gmail.com

    My favorite part of summer is listening to music with windows open.

  23. gorgeous!

    my favourite thing about summer... outdoors and open windows.

  24. My favorite thing about summer is POPSICLES!!!
    peggahelahi@yahoo.com :)

  25. my favorite thing about summer is having barbeques!


  26. georgianess at gmail dot com

    My favourite thing about summer is jumping in the car with friends and going where the wind takes us. There are so many beautiful parts of New Zealand to explore that are mostly surprisingly close by. Also, leaving the house without worrying about whether you're wearing enough layers.

    Also is there any chance you could change the link in your sidebar to our new URL, instead of Velvet Bitchez? Since we changed to The Velvettes our readership has dropped so much! =[

  27. perfectharmny at gmail dot com

    my favorite thing about summer is whimsical fucking hippy-dippy road trips to the beach, alone or with friends, and drinking beers while watching the sun set.

  28. nowordslikestrawberry at gmail dot com

    wearing sundresses. and not having to layer 23432 shades of black.

  29. babydollsays @ gmail

    my favorite thing about summer is all the barbeques!

  30. lizrichards at gmail

    i like being able to sit outside all day and do nothing. and eat and drink. why is that better when it's outside and sunny? i don't know.

  31. rains-in-asia @ hotmail

    My favorite thing about summer is relaxing on the hill between classes, prancing around in sun dresses and eating at my favorite ice cream place

  32. karpa1@mail.montclair.edu

    My favourite thing about summer is driving to the beach with my feet on the dash and the windows down, drinking beer, and all the spontaneity that summer brings

  33. sherrevenge@hotmail.com
    I love being able to go outside with as little clothing as possible. I can't stand the cold and I don't like layering!

  34. my favourite thing about summer is gardening and being able to just hang out in the backyard without getting drenched by the rain.


  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. eeeelisabeth@gmail.com

    my favorite thing about summer is how it stays warm and light out really late so you can stay out all night in a crop top and shorts and feel blissfully unaware of what time it really is.

  37. shellasaurusrex at gmail.com

    my favorite thing about summer is the beach and my ability to spend every waking moment in the ocean swimming and surfing. my favorite thing about this summer is that not only do i get to reinvent myself, i get to learn my way around a hippie town. plus those prints would look lovely on my new apartments bare walls

  38. my favorite thing about summer is smelling like sunscreen and wearing sunglasses and smiling all the time and seeing the sun and taking long walks at night time and seeing stars~


  39. imobersting@yahoo.com

    My favorite thing about summer is running around barefoot with my friends and the carefree vibes that surround everything...day drinking on the beach and adventuring and awesome music festivals really make summer for me!

  40. My favorite thing about summer is sun-kissed cheeks, sandy feet, and fruity drinks!


  41. My favourite thing about summer is riding my bike really fast along the riverside and feeling the sun on my face and the wind in my hair!

