
time for another giveaway!

A few weeks ago,  we launched a  Facebook page (here!) for Ventricular Projects to help us spread the word about our upcoming projects and updates. We'd love if everyone who's interested in participating or contributing to our zines, along with our other projects, to "like" us so you can stay updated about deadlines and announcements.

Right now we have two zine projects underway, Great Outdoors and Female Musicians (name to be changed!). Both deadlines for submissions for the projects are late August and we're currently looking at mid-September for distribution. If you're interested in being involved, please don't be shy! Send us an email at ventricularprojects@gmail.com and we can give you more details.

To help promote all of this, we're doing a giveaway! All you have to do is leave us a comment here with a title suggestion for our upcoming Female Musicians zine project and/or like us on Facebook leave us a comment on the page with your favorite summertime activity (so we know you liked us).  If you do both, you'll be entered to win twice! We'll announce a winner on Monday, July 18th.

Prize Pack includes:
- Two Kodak Fun Saver disposable cameras
- Ring pop posicle mold
- Postcards with original art by Caroline Knowles
- Issue #2 of Tilde Journal: Fanciful Fun and Furry Friends

Good luck!


  1. "such a woman" after the neil young song.

    -megan kathleen mcisaac

  2. "yes it's ladies night oh what a night"


    - ena kosovac

    p.s. i may or may have not been watching 'the wedding singer' while thinking of a title for this project.

  3. "The Dainty Mademoiselle" - Lhei Ongsitco

    Liked your page on Facebook too! I want to win because of the film camera and stuff! thank you for this wonderful giveaway and more power to your blog! I hope I win! xx ♥

    Here's my e-mail in case :D


  4. Gold Dust Woman - Fleetwood Mac

    I like 'Such a Woman' too. Although I don't know if having the title be a male artist's song sets a bad precedent? x

  5. Grrl Power


  6. i like "words + guitar", it's a song by sleater-kinney :)

  7. chuck, you made am outstanding point, but ive thought of something entirely different anyway.

    i think it should be named "isis"
    one of my personal heroes and i was just listening to the magical song, "isis and osiris" by alice coltrane (listen to it) and if you dont know much about isis, i recommend her wikipedia page at least... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isis

    -megan mcisaac

  8. or hathor would be a great name, too, since she involves more music and arts and things ;) haha. oh, its neverending.

  9. I am not very good at naming things but maybe Femme Tales.

  10. also liked on facebook!


  11. "Girls Rock!"
    ahahahaha, just kidding

    ummm i have NO idea, i love all the suggestions above though.

    how about Story of a Girl? or A Certain Girl?
