
my etsy picks

I had a bit of down time in what is otherwise a crazy couple of weeks (more on that later), so I figured I'd share some of my Etsy favorites since I enjoyed seeing Caroline's so much. 

 First up, Ms. Caroline herself has some lovely prints (and custom kitty portraits!) available on her Etsy.  I've seen these in real life (to ship them off to our lucky giveaway winner), and they are super nice!  

 Colleen Jordan has an adorable line of wearable planters, which you can get in necklace form (above), earrings, or pins.  I don't know that this is quite everyday jewelery, but I can see myself rocking a bit of flora for special occasions.  Why not?

I've been on a major tea kick lately, and I can definitely see these porcelain shell mugs from Villarreal Ceramics perfecting the experience! Maybe one day, I'll get sick of soft, cotton candy colors, but I don't see it happening any time soon.

 An Illustrated Guide to Cocktails features two of my absolute favorite things. Need I say more?

Rachel Rose creates gorgeous, hand painted silk tops, like this one of a kind beauty, which just happens to be in the only colors I care about lately...pink and blue.

Hopefully, my shopping ban will be successful, but if not, I'd put money on one of these items being the culprit!


  1. Ooh, particularly love the mug. These are such fun posts. x

  2. Oh my goodness I am in love with the wearable planters!
