
calling all new yorkers!

I'd love to take some portraits while I'm spending a couple days in Brooklyn at the end of July so please let me know if you'll be around and willing to let me snap a few shots of your lovely face, or even your shoes if you have some nice ones you'd like to share with the world!

Here are a couple shots I've taken of my sister, who is my favorite model even though I have never dealt with another person quite so difficult in my entire life.

I'll be spending the next few days at a campsite with Pam and her family (dog included!), so hopefully I'll have some nice pictures to share when I get back!

Until then, I leave you with a song I've been listening to a lot this week:


  1. count me in! you have my fb so give me a shout when you're here!

  2. I will definitely get in touch with you so we can make plans! Yay!
