
une fille, un style

Am the only person super bummed about hot it is this summer? It seems like an endless cycle...complain about the cold in February, it gets warm, life is great, suddenly it's too hot and can't cool back down soon enough. I was so bummed the humidity today that I actually went thrifting for some sweaters in early anticipating of fall. Sadly I didn't really come across any good ones. My logic (though somewhat flawed...) is that no one else is looking for sweaters right now, so I'll find all the best ones but the sweater section at my local thrift store was very pared down. 

Speaking of great sweaters, I was especially fond of the fuzzy sweaters in  this week's Une Fille, Un Style about Marine Fourie. Last winter I really, really wanted a fuzzy sweater but was never able to track one down that wasn't obscenely priced. 



(all images from vogue.fr)


  1. Do I spy a Winnie Cooper portrait? Clearly, a woman of great taste!

    p.s. I have an ivory fuzzy sweater from J. Crew ages ago that I've since decided doesn't work on me but I like too much to get rid of. If one of us remembers in a a couple months, it's yours if you want it.
