
save me from what i want

Alternate post titles: Jesus Saves I Spend, Laughing With a Mouth of Blood, What Me Worry?, etc. Most St. Vincent songs apply!

Hello, my name is Tricia and instead of getting rid of things for a cross country move like I'm supposed to, I acquire them. In my defense, I love each and every recent purchase and kinda need some of them (like my new glasses.)

I had been wanting a red, white, and blue skirt for a while (more sixties school girl than USA #1), and when I saw this one Morgan made, I knew I couldn't do better. Floral stripes? Yes, please. Fortunately, Morgan was up for a swap, and now it's mine! I love the way it goes with this blouse I picked up for a dollar a couple weeks a go. Pattern mixing is my favorite.

She attached some business cards to the package with a tiny clothespin! Too cute.

$3 seventies sandals! Wooden heels are perfect for summer, horrible for sneaking up behind someone.

If, by any chance, you want to help material goods trickle out of my apartment...consider the Ventricular Projects Etsy!

We have a couple new listings in the shop! Check it out & get 20% until this Friday with the coupon code WUTTER.


  1. the sandals are such a great find!!

  2. Yay, you got it! I love those sandals, what an excellent bargain.
