
dream wardrobes project

We recently signed a lease for a house in Austin, Texas...a bit far from our current locations in Massachusetts and Florida!  Since it's not all that practical to take everything with us (hoarding ill fitting clothes and bad decisions is expensive enough when you're not moving across the country!), we've both been thinking a lot about closets full of clothes that we actually love. 

We'll be traveling a bit over the next couple weeks, so we thought it would be the perfect time to ask some of our favorite stylish ladies to talk a little about their dream wardrobes, so be on the lookout for a few guest posts coming up!

First, here are a few things each of us would love to invest in if we had the means:


Over the past couple years, I went from wearing no neutrals and every pattern known to man to nothing but brown and black...so I think it's time to strike a balance.  I'm on the lookout for neutral, patterned clothes and solid pieces in colors like peach, forest green, and cream.  My instincts to look both classic and quirky don't need to look like I got dressed by two different people!


Throughout college and right after, whenever I had extra money, I would quickly hit up thrift stores and F21/Target/Etc. for a quick fashion fix. It wasn't until recently that I realized that I had no well fitting, basic clothing items. Everything was ruffly, patterned,  ill-fitting and frankly, just not my style. Clothes should be able to be laundered and still look good after, am I right? I can count one thing I've bought from F21 that lasted being washed more than once (and it's this dress which I've had for 2+ yrs and it still looks great). 

I've always felt more comfortable in more basic outfits that I can just throw on, accessorize with a fun scarf or shoes and feel good in. Last month I started going through my clothes, getting rid of the bulk and keeping only the items that I know will last me a long time and using whatever extra money I do have on higher-quality items. Above illustrates a mix of items that I've already acquired and the direction I'd like to go in. 

1 comment:

  1. All of these are my dream wardrobes also. The peaches! The blues! Love love love

