
natural's not in it

It's a bit weird to me seeing so many pictures of mountains and forests pop up on Tumblr.  It's nice, yes, all that majestic beauty...but it kind of makes me wonder who has any intention to actually (and what I'm about to say is sacrilege, so prepare yourself) get off the internet.

I think a nice little celebration of a comfortable distance from nature is in order!

Every now and again, the world seems to collectively embrace a person and I'm kind of giddy right now with all the Donald Glover/Childish Gambino love. Rapping about Tina Fey and APC? Yes, please! The photos Ariel Rosenbloom took for Bullet Magazine are as close to perfect as you can get, too!  Napping on rocking chairs in a plant and kitty filled room with Mr. Glover is definitely my idea of a good time. 

Sea things are achingly beautiful, but I must confess that they creep me out quite a bit.  Not the idea of them, but the thought of touching them - I'm fine with trudging through mud, but the second my feet encounter seaweed,  I fear for the worst.  I hope to get over it one day, but fifteen years of living near Galveston taught me to assume the ickiest. For now, I'll just look at these illustrations from Phillip Henry Gosse's 1860 book Actinologia Britannica - a History of the British Sea-Anemones and Corals via Bibliodyssey.

This photo by Dean Conger from a 1966 issue of National Geographic is kinda my ultimate dream.  I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, but I'm sure all that would go away the second I had the opportunity to pet a real, live bear!  Give me one on the smaller side and the protection of a turquoise vehicle, and we're set. 

1 comment:

  1. I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, but I'm sure all that would go away the second I had the opportunity to pet a real, live bear!

    This is exactly how I feel!
