
fuck yeah women artists

taking a page from yesterday's highlight of tricia's curatorial tumblr project, a project i recently started with a fellow art history buff (& graduate) is a tumblr focused exclusively on women's artwork. i was surprised to see there wasn't already one with the plethora of "fan" tumblrs out there and started this to help fill the void in my workday.

each day we focus the majority our visual content on one female artist, with past ones including louise bourgeous, caroline lathan-stiefel, kiki smith, sonya blesofsky, käthe kollwitz, and ana mendieta.

Plates from portfolio “Sonia Delaunay; ses peintures, ses objets, ses tissus simultanés, ses modes”

Film stills from Untitled (Blood Sign #1) by Ana Mendieta

Indian Dancer: From an Ethnographic Museum by Hannah Höch

Spider by Louise Bourgeois

find more women's art here

1 comment:

  1. I always love seeing what you post! I've found out about so many great new (to me) artists in the short time this Tumblr has been up.
